Meditation: 33 min. Reduce stress, anxiety and find your innate inner peace.
Author: Hans Christian Lundholm
A painful and lesser known kind of human ego
The most well-known form of ego is the classic, ie the ego that is self-absorbed and arrogant, but for many it comes as a surprise that this kind of ego is by far the least widespread. In other words, there...
True freedom is not from but freedom with
Nondual realization shows us that true freedom is not freedom from, but rather freedom with. But what does that really mean? Let me try to explain. What I want to talk about now comes from my own direct experience, so...
Powerful Awareness Meditation
Meditation: 8 min. Guided into nondual awareness and silence.
Does The Human Being have free will?
When we talk about the concept of free will, then most of the time, people do just have an automatic standard answer. And the answer is, yes of course I do have a free will. Our entire society is built upon...
What are you waiting for?
The vast majority of people in what we call the Western world are constantly waiting for something to happen. They are waiting for something to change, for something to become different from what it is. What they are waiting for...
What If “What Is” Isn’t What You Think It Is?
Video: 6 mins. I was asked the question: What do I mean when I say: "What is?" In this video I will try to clarify it.
Duality versus nonduality
This essay goes to the very core of the duality illusion. It has the potential to open you up to a deeper seeing, I therefore recommend that you read it slowly and several times. The “world” of duality only exists...
Inner Peace Guided Meditation
Join me for a 28 minutes meditation. No previous experience necessary, suitable for everybody. Reduce stress, anxiety and find your innate inner peace.
Ego vs. Reality: The Key to Freedom
It is through awareness that we come to realize that the human ego is in a constant battle with reality. The awareness sets us free.