None non-duality

Do you seek Truth? Look no further, because Truth is all there is. You might say: “I know that, but still I don’t see it, will you show me the Truth?”

I cannot show you the Truth, but I can point at “that”, which prevents you from realizing that Truth is all there is. But the seeing of Truth, you have to do it yourself.

Do you seek reality?

Look no further, because reality is all there is. You might say: “I know that, but still I don’t see it, will you show me the reality?”

I cannot show you the reality, but I can point at “that”, that prevents you from realizing, that reality is all there is. But the seeing of Reality, you have to do it yourself.

Do you seek oneness and nonduality?

Look no further, cause oneness and nonduality is all there is. You might say: “I know that, but still I don’t see it, will you show me oneness and nonduality?”

I cannot show you oneness and non-duality, but I can point at “that”, that prevents you from realizing, that oneness and non-duality is all there is. But the seeing of Oneness and nonduality, you have to do it yourself.

Do you want to know who you are?

Look no further, cause you already know who you are. You might say: “I know that, but still I don’t see it, will you show me who I am?”

I cannot show you who you are, but I can point at “that”, that prevents you from realizing that you already know who you are. But the seeing of Who you are, you have to do it yourself.

“That” within you, that prevents you from realizing Truth, is the exact same, that prevents you from realizing reality, oneness, nonduality and who you ultimately are!

When you find “that” you will drop it, and Truth, reality, oneness, nonduality, and who you ultimately are, will be realized.

Spiritual awakening is this realization. The awakening is this very discovery, and the dropping away of “that” which prevents you from seeing clearly.

When you discover what prevents you from seeing clearly, you will drop it, and by that you will awaken to Truth, reality, oneness, nonduality and who you ultimately are!

Okay, let’s plunge into it. I could be poetic about it, I could make a huge effort to try and create an interesting story, but I will not. Instead, I will be direct, without any attempt to lure you into believing anything.

I can only point towards what it is, that prevents you from realizing who you are. The seeing of it, you have to do it yourself.

I point, and whether you see it, is completely up to you.

Okay, let’s point!

Language (words)  is the very “fabric” that creates the world of duality, so if you want Truth, reality, oneness, nonduality, and to realize who you are, you have to let go of the belief that language can bring you Truth!

Every time you have a word, you have the word and “that” which the word is pointing towards, hence duality, the world of many.

No words contain in and of themselves anything.

All words are empty of substance.

Words are only pointing towards something, and many words are not pointing towards anything, these words are only designed to bind other words together in a sentence.

Words can never bring you the Truth. Words can never bring you Reality.

If you “remove” a word that points towards an “object”, you will still have the “object”.

The “object” is the Truth, the reality, the word is only a label.

Reality, the Truth, is as it is, always.

No word has the power within itself to affect reality.

No word can ever harm you.

No words can ever, ultimately answer any question. Words are only for asking questions.

Every so-called answer in words, contains in most cases automatically several new questions.

Science doesn’t know what’s really going on. The only thing science can do, is to divide reality into new word-fragments.

Words can only fragment reality, words can only divide, words are used to “organize” reality into categories defined by other words.

Words can only give you theories, ideas, assumptions etc. If you want Truth and Reality, you first have to let go of believing that words can bring you Truth and Reality.

Words in and of themselves are completely harmless. Words and languages are just tools made for communication. An amazing tool, which helps humans to evolve and thrive, but also to create huge amounts of unnecessary suffering.

“That” which apparently separates you from Truth, reality, oneness, non-duality and from knowing who you are, is: Your belief in words ability to bring you, give you and deliver Truth, reality, oneness, nonduality, and a final answer to who you ultimately are!

No words can ever do that!

Either you “see” it, or you don’t. Either you awaken from this belief, or you don’t.

The belief in words’ ability to formulate Truth in any way, is the very core of separation.

When we believe that words can formulate Truth, we are instantly faced with a long list of consequences. This list we will explore in a moment, but before we do that, it is important to remember, that any exploration in words, will not bring us the Truth about who we are.

The only way to find out who you are, is to let go of words. To let go of any wish for an answer, formulated in words. This is a challenge for most humans. After all, we have all been trained to use words to seek answers. From childhood, we have been taught that who we are, is our name, our professions, our nationality etc.

For most humans, it seems impossible to find answers, if they are not formulated in words. But the answer to who you are, will never be answered in words.

Be still, and know.

Know what? – you might say.

I cannot tell you, not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t. No one can.

Let go of words, what remains? What is here, when you let go of words? Do not seek an answer in words, go directly to your experience. Sense your experience. Feel your experience.

Be still, and know. Either you “see” it, and know, or you don’t. Nothing I can do about it, I can only point, and that I will.

Be still, and imagine that you were never taught to speak. In other words, imagine you were unable to formulate any word based thoughts.

I hope you can see, that in a situation like that, nothing will be different?

So here is my question to you: What would reality be, if you could not formulate in words a description about it?

Who would you be, if you were unable to formulate in words, a description about yourself?

What is left, when all descriptions are gone?

Stay with this question.

Ultimately it is a different kind of knowing.

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